Natal Forest Tree Frog

Leptopelis natalensis
Conservation status: Least Concern (LC)
There is concern that populations of this species, like so many amphibians, is declining.
There is concern that populations of this species, like so many amphibians, is declining.

Typically big-eyed and sticky-toed, this lovely animal can live for up to 10 years in trees and other plants along streams and rivers, where it blurts out its Eeee YACK-yack call and has territorial tussles with any invaders. Its tadpoles, laid in a muddy burrow, can then wiggle overland to reach water.

Its enemies are habitat loss and “mechanised garden equipment” as Kloof Conservancy says. SANBI also notes how eucalyptus plantations are drying up pans and streams that used to sustain populations and believes the frog is endangered due to forestry and alien vegetation encroachment.